What’s new
- The shortest Pokemon game in this world: 10 minutes of gameplay!
- Custom Sprites!
- New Mega Evolutions for your Pokemon.
- Starters – Finally, I have rearranged the Starters to a more diverse mixture which is now Clamperl, Tyrogue and Trapinch. These share similar characteristics with each other which is why I chose these three. Why not the originals? This is because rather than having the generic set of Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle, I thought it would be fun to change things up a bit and give you the opportunity to obtain a Pokemon that you can’t usually obtain that early on in the game. Besides, you will be able to get Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle via events before the third Gym anyway.
- Transform using Metachangers! Ditto can transform into 40+ different Pokémon freely!
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